Saturday, June 13, 2009

Minnesota State University, Mankato a.k.a MMSU


I'm going there for 1 year(actually 10 months nia) and will be flying off on the 17-8-2009.

Went down to KL on thursday and knowing me, there alwasys drama involve.(will only disclose in person) because of the briefing with Ms Kalis on friday. Spent the night at m old PJ house.

Picked up YR at 8am and only managed to reach MACEE at 9am. Man the traffic in KL is NUTS tell u! When Ms Kalis brought out both our welcome packs, there it was, stated in capitol letters:


Well now i have to do my medical check up and get jabs for immunizations that i dun have under Minnesota State law. Man it sucks!!!

Met up with Khai Shing, Khai Sheng, Rachel and Yu Han. They shared their experience and told us loads of stuff which i will not bore u with. It was good to finally meet them.

Did UM stuff d. Looks like I'll really not be doing teaching practise with the rest. It just like dawn on me when i sent in those applications for Penarikkan Diri that i will be postponing my life in UM for a year and come back to recontinue it after US. WALAUEH!!!! From UM to MMSU, guess i can never get away from the M&U when it comes to uni education...LOL(lame i know).

Nonetheless, i'm grateful for all the thing the Good Lord My God has done for me. Psalm 121 is the best now for my kind of situation now as i can do nothing but look to HIM when i need help...

Well, thats it for now. Tired from all the travelling back for KL. Ciao

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