Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Nokia 6500 slide

Meet my new phone! YES! I got meself a NEW PHONE!!!! so exicted NOKIA 6500 SLIDE

Its the one that i've been raving and talking and stalking for almost a year now eversince it came out in the market. It was RM1500++ that time so i tak sampai hati wanna buy. But eversince the inflation that saw my hard earned savings shrinking, i figured my skimp and save and continue to see it shrink and the ability to buy less stuff, so i've decided to enjoy the here and now and just use it before it shrinks further.Hence I got meself the new phone.

It's cool to finally buy something that I've always wanted. I just hope it wouldn't be like my previous Sony Ericson Z530i.

I'm apparently jinx. I found that out from buying pens. If I buy something with my own cash, It'll spoil. Eg: pen will dry up even though there are still ink in the pen. However, if I get someone to buy it for me, then either pay them back or as a gift, it will work just fine and sometimes never spoil. Eg again: My previous old Nokias that was bought by my dad and given to me(including the Nokia before i just changed to this 6500) will never spoil. Even if I were to throw it down from the 5th floor from my Happy Mansion Place (No i didn't do that), it would not spoil. But if I buy it like my to sony ericsons, then mampus, within 2 months, it will either be lost(by my brother) or rosak terus.

So dah lah my old phone wouldn't spoil (because it was paid by my dad). But I wanted to have a camera phone to bring to Australia so that I don't need to bring camera and phone (2 things), I decided to defy all odds and HOPEFULLY, this time, it will be ok.
Anyways....I'm happy with my new phone! Its good. Its cool with 3.2 mp.... so yeah! I'm Happy!!!
Ok, going to pack now! After exam tomorrow, I'm on my way home PENANG!!! Yippee!!! Can't wait to go back to the Pearl of the Orient/Food Paradise!!!

Until then..ciao...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eheh... most nokia phones u can use it to throw at humans and probably the human bengkak the phone still in top condition lol... u r not tat jinx yet lar...
