Hi ppl, i know everybody is done or almost done with their exam but unfortunately i still hv 1 more paper 2 go. So sien rite?! but oh well. wat 2 do, but it has been a fruitful week since i've been back in PJ so i'm not complaining!:P
Since I came back 2 PJ i been having fun!!! After exam on the 23/4, we drove 2 Sitiawan 2 Jinni's place n had fun!!! Ate lots of stuff n even went 2 pangkor and got ourselves stranded there 4 2 hours because The Navy had some event on at Lumut Port. Had Kong Piang,Peanut soup,Kam Pua Mee,Ang Chiew Mee Sua and SEAFOOD!!! so nice 2 go visit once a while. Next up Kuantan yeah Rachel;P
After back on saturday i had 2 teach kidzone again. Object lesson was good and i'm glad tat THAT is over n now i can say i've taught 3 time d lol.
Had Profi yesterday and i think i might have written over words n out of topic but who cares, I'm just hoping tat it will be over n i wouldn't need 2 take profi anymore!!!!After tat we went round KLCC area looking 4 the G2000 sale and it was dissapointing. The cloths tat were left sucked! They were all in gourdy colors so didn't buy anything. So we went 2 Cineleisure instead 4 the Zara sale n man was it crazy! there was 2 long lines queuing but Grace who was inside said it was good so we queued lo. When we masuk inside the stuff for Zara n Pull n Bear was low but noy within my budget. So Hugh n I left the 2 girls inside 2 shop n went 4 a movie instead. Watched X-Man Origin Wolverine! It was GGGOOOODDDD!!!! Highly recommanded 2b watched in the cinema:P Later we met up with the girls 4 dinner n balik.
Went 2 Taman tasik titiwangsa this morning for SheepUnited Cell-outing. We went and played Zorbball n Gag-a-roo!!! ok for those who don't know wat Zorbballing is, its basic going inside a plastic ball n roll inside. Yeap tats rite, u get 2 know how the hamster feels like tat u've always wanted 2 find out! It was fun being inside the ball with Joe and filled with 2 buckets of water. Really felt like inside a washing machine!LOL came out comletely wet but fully 'clean' LOL;P RM20 for a ride but it was good clean fun;P
After everybody had a turn, we decided 2 play something different! It was called the Gag-a-roo! basiclly it like walking on stilts but with spring in it so u get 2 bounce while walking. Totally AWESOME K!!! Wearing the thing n walk felt like a baby again where u have 2 learn how 2 walk n run despite being totally unstable, just like a baby:P Grasped tat in just 5 mins and managed 2 hop with it~so proud of myself~;P
So basiclly tats was the update of this week. Hopefully the next post will bear good news:p~fingers crossed!~
Till then, ciao;P
A Tribute to Dearest Daddy
3 weeks ago
faster finish it la..
and then come back to penang and held a gathering again~
Yeah i also wan it too but the stuoid exam is only over on the 5/5. So long n very sian ah...
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