Thursday, October 6, 2011

I convo too u know!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Mud or Stars

Two men look out through the same bars: One sees the mud, the other sees stars.
- Frederick Langbridge.

I'm sorry you saw only mud when I see stars. I push becuase I know you can do so much more and so much better.

I throw them in your face because I expected more from you. However, I never expected you to changed just like I will not change myself. Just be yourself. You are the one who wants to measure up expectations, I never told you too.

But it is true that nothing can ever be certain in life. I never gave a guarantee and I never will.

Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you. They are not perfect but are always perfect for you. ~Author Unknown~
I know I'm not one but all I hope is to enpower you in being yourself. I know my ways may not be conventional but assess yourself for the years we've known each other since your such a thinker and tell me honestly that you have not felt empowered than before.

If you feel that its so hard then tell me and we'll move on with our lives.

There is no point in making each other's life miserable,
especially when you have to resort to copy my reactions to throw at me JUST to make me feel what its like cause let me just tell you, ITS NOT WORKING. I dun feel it being thrown at me. I'm immune cause it came from me remember?

If you wanna start the reconsidering process, you've got it...

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Its amazes and frastrates me that:...
1) We can both be looking at the same thing and you dun see the difference but i do.
2) You insist that there is no difference when ITS STARING AT YOU!
3) You start insisting in your ways before taking time to think.
4)We can walk through a place for 20, 50,100 times and you still don't get it! Please try to be more observant...please try...
But then again.... maybe thats why ppl like you need ppl like me in your life:)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Packed, unpacked, repacked n stored again

took them out, arranged them properly, acknowledged their existance and put them under the carpet again...

When will we eventually come to a decision i will not know but status quo...let future us decide la...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Another proposal...

Walaueh this is like the 3rd one so far liao ah...

Why r ppl my age getting proposed left and right? Granted they r all girls but still...

Feeling the heat!!! PANAS!!!

but then again i'm a guy....So it doesn't really count I guess...

After all, for guys the 'market value' doesn't drop that fast wan mah...


Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Its hard to explain to others that you are seriously looking for a job when all people see is you sitting and watching movies all day....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Prom King Material...

Never thought this day would come.... ME? Prom King Material? LOL It was fun=)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Nasi sudah jadi bubur and I can't go back in time to undo it...
You said that you are disappointed in me, that hurts even more....

Monday, January 24, 2011


but for the record, I didn't domesticate anyone, Dia yang nak masak=)
Dia masak, I makan saja la=)