Can you believe it! ME, Sean Ooi, the guy who can sleep almost anywhere and anytime, is losing sleep!
I been finding myself waking up everyday at 8.30am! even though i've only slept at 3/4 am regardless, I still wake u at that time. What happened to waking up at 10? what happen to a minimun of 8 hours sleep? Whats WRONG With ME???!!!!!
I believe 1 of the culprit is Looi's assignment! He have me day in and day out thinking of his assignments, his portfolio, the newsletter! ARGH!!!!!!!!!! wake up his assignments, tidur his assignments, makan his assignmnets, now ita even haunting me in my dream! ARGH!!!!!!
A Tribute to Dearest Daddy
3 weeks ago
Hey SEANnie!!!It's jocelyn here...Come linkie my bloggy~U can find my link at daphne's bloggy...^^
heyya sean.. u can add a chatbox at the side... u can gettit from me blog.. juz click "get a cbox" on on my chatbox den follow the instructions.. easier to chat that way also! ppl can leave msgs easier too!.. interesting! keep it up~
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