Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm HOME and NOT Studying")

Yeap I'm home...back to the nest were all the other Ooi's stay. Home is truely where the heart is. There is no place like HOME!..haha

Spent quite a lot of time playing these few days. Went out with Clictus, Kar Wei and Vivien for badminton on Sunday. It was fun getting together again, makaning, badminton-ing, catching up...just asking each other nonsensical questions and answering crappy answers. Haha.

Oh yeah! I got by biological clock back! Hooray! i can now sleep till the cows come home again! yeepee!

Planning to get my visa done and now have 2 crake head 2 find stuff to bring as souviners to the australian host...what 2 buy ah? Must be uniquely Malaysian wor...Sate fish from Setiawan? Nutmeg from Balik Pulau? Durian would be the best if I could bring through the Aussie Customs! hahaha=P

My brother still bugs me for new clothes. Think i what? pemborong baju ah? No money la boy! if got sure i would buy but have 2 cut down on spending now cause carting a lot of money away for australia...sigh...pok kai d now...

So anyways....i'm happiliy at home not doing anything! brought the books back but now macam buat hiasan only. haha. have 2 lug them back later! NO! Don't come saturday! I don't wanna go back yet! I'm not ready 2 go back to sucky PJ yet! Although I'm not studying but let me enjoy my privates! Go off, I discard u!..hahahahha...

So emo man....budak emo!


JoLuvJpN said...

go study study study NOW!!! as if i'm studying~~~lol

Sean said...

Yeah trying to tapi tak jadi la...Home is where everything is...too many distractions and temptation..too hard to resist...haha