Ended Jothi's class today super early around 3.30pm (Thank God) and went for makan at arts fac cafe. As I was finishing my drink, Chloe, a ex-9 friend approach me n ask if im free. Told her had a class at 5 so she say sempat to happen. Happen what?
Apparently her group mate's counseling subject ffk him so they r finding someone to take her place. She said should finish b4 5pm. I mah go lo. Anything just 2 try for the experiance. hehe. Who knew the group member was Roy! haha. He was super happy as his 'subject'/lab rat can speak english now!(whatever that means)....so mah follow go Menara Pendidikkan 3rd flor lo.
Had a session on My Leadership skills...Apparently I'm too autocratic n demanding that i should try democracy for a change...hmm...We'll c about that:)
Counseling finish before 5pm so sempat la pi Looi's class. Siapa tahu.....piss! man! piss!!!! I tell u...
Who said being a Chief Editor is fun? huh? huh? huh?
Kena bombared by Mr Looi today in class. So memalukan k! I dun freaking know how to run an editorial board, heck i dun even know how to be a journalist! All this is new and thats WHY I'm in YOUR FREAKING CLASS!
Dah la the ppl dun wanna cooperate. Ask them to send in 2 articles by the end of the month also like snail. Post la 1 or zero! freaking 0! how 2 kao for like that... sian wei!
I hate being the bad guy here but they leave me no choice. I will be firm the next class, Dun care anymore!
A Tribute to Dearest Daddy
3 weeks ago
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