Friday, April 30, 2010

Where to go from here?!

So many to choose from! have to start thinking!

New Zealand?




Then later which university to choose many choices....

I hate planning ahead but i hve to start looking at my options...

Ain't gonna stay stagnant at one place forever...

I'm a rolling stone...


Saturday, April 24, 2010

My current state

It's a wonder how songs can express your current feelings when words seem to fail. On my way to Chicago today I went through my Ipod and below are a few songs that I find somehow relates how i feel currently.

My current state of mind: I need to find my way...

To my family and friends at home in Malaysia: I always take comfort in this song while thinking of you guys=)

And to my SPECIAL someone: You know who you are=)

Don't judge me too harshly and please don't speculate...I'm quite emo this few days...too many thoughts, emnotions and feelings swirling within my head...

Friday, April 2, 2010


Dear people who are reading my blog( If any)

I'm sorry for mot updating you guys for what have been happening during my trip and for this pass 2 months. The reason is very simple:- BECAUSE I AM LAZY!!!=)

I use to be hard working and try to update this blog regularly or at least once a week but lately no feel la...

I have only 40 more days here in the US of A and I really dun want to leave cause I like it here. The past 8 months have really been a dream. I have no responsibilities, just have fun, be the man that i want to be, living by myself in the whole room. IT HAD BEEN AWESOME!!!

But when I go back, I will have to face the harsh reality. Teaching Practise, Going to classes with Juniors, Seeing my batch mates graduate b4 I do...Please understand that I'm glad for you all and everything but its also hard for me to see you guys move on and leaving me alone to face the coming year myself...I really wanna get out of this hell hole call UM and grad with my stupid degree so that I can get on with my life!!!!

Ok, enough for now...dun wanna talk 2 much. Later dun know what else salah i might say... TC!!!
